Today my wife thinks she's getting a shank to the back

 We have a needle guided liver biopsy today. My wife is facing it like she's facing a shank to her back. Just standing innocently in the cafeteria line for a meal, and suddenly she feels a horrible pain the back. 

Of course that isn't what will really happen. They will use pain control methods and use as much care and cause as little discomfort as possible. But it isn't how she sees it, and I get that.

She went through two pregnancies, and she now has two amazing teenage daughters. Everybody who has been pregnant (or supported their partner through a pregnancy) knows how pregnancy works. You become a pin cushion for needles and blood draws. Every time you turn around, you have a doctor's hand up your vagina; you have a needle drawing blood; every 100th time you pee it is into a cup. You have ultrasounds all of the time. Why? Because something wonderful is growing in you. 

So too it is when something malicious is growing in you. You become a pin cushion for blood draws. You have ultrasounds, PET scans, CTs, MRIs. Every 100th time you pee it is into a cup. But this time, you can't tell yourself "it is all worth it because at the end I get the most wonderful thing a person can ever get". Instead, you tell yourself "I hope it is worth it, if it works I get back to where I was before all of this started". It is hardly the same inspiration, but the path there is weirdly similar. Of course, cancer treatment also involves chemo, radiation, surgery and other things that are not involved with pregnancy. Nobody is throwing you a baby shower. Instead of excitement, some people will avoid you because of how horrible it is to imagine.

So today she gets hurt a little getting a liver biopsy. But I think what hurts more is that it is the first painful step on the stage 4 cancer journey (the previous steps weren't that painful).

Tomorrow we see the oncologist to discuss the results.

In the meantime, for the first time she is no longer in full denial. And it is emotional and more than a little miserable for her, for us.


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