Today we meet with the oncologist

 Today is our first "real" meeting with the oncologist -- that is, the first meeting after we've learned that we are in stage 4, with metastases to the liver, lymph nodes, and probably spine, spleen and thyroid.

We put together a lengthy list of questions to ask. Please feel free to use this list as your own jumping off point for questions to ask at this stage:

  1. Can you confirm the diagnosis based on the MRI report, or do we need any additional tests or scans?

  2. What stage is the breast cancer, and what does this mean in terms of prognosis?

  3. Can you explain the extent of the metastases in the liver, spleen, and vertebral bones?

  4. What are the available treatment options for this specific case?

  5. What are the goals of each treatment option (e.g., extending life, improving quality of life, or both)?

  6. What are the possible side effects of each treatment option, and how can they be managed?

  7. How often will treatments be administered, and how long will each treatment session last?

  8. Will we need to see other specialists for additional care or management of side effects?

  9. Are there any clinical trials or experimental therapies available that might be suitable for this case?

  10. How will we monitor the progress of the treatments, and how often can we have follow-up appointments?

  11. What support services are available for the patient and their family, such as counseling, financial assistance, or support groups?

  12. How can we maintain or improve her quality of life during treatment?

  13. Are there any lifestyle changes, such as diet or exercise, that can improve the patient's overall health or complement the treatments?

  14. If the initial treatments are not effective, what other options can be considered?

  15. In case her condition worsens, what palliative care or end-of-life options are available?

  16. Is she able to visit with her parents, and if so, when and for how long, and what are the associated risks

  17. Is radiation therapy a possibility?

  18. Is a liver resection off the table?

  19. She wants to survive as long as possible for our children. Is there a quality of life v. length of life tradeoff that we can decide upon at this stage?

  20. We may be able to get US health insurance. Should we do that? Should we be looking to go to the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, City of Hope, or is BC Cancer capable of handling this in a timely way with no delays?

  21. What is the life expectancy range for 1, 2, and 3 standard divisions? (68%-95%-99.7%)?

  22. mRNA treatment. How can we sign up?

  23. Clinical trials?

  24. What are the conditions that merit:

    1. An ER visit?

    2. An email to your nurse?

    3. A visit to our GP?

    4. A call to 811?

  25. What is the breast cancer subtype, and how does it influence the choice of treatments or prognosis?

  26. Can you provide more information about the potential benefits and risks of radiation therapy in this specific case?

  27. How urgent is it to begin treatment, and is there a waiting period before starting?

  28. How will the patient's treatment plan be coordinated among the various healthcare providers involved in her care?

  29. Are there any alternative or complementary therapies that may be beneficial in conjunction with the standard treatments?

  30. What resources or educational materials can you recommend for learning more about the patient's specific type of cancer and its management?

  31. How can we stay up-to-date on new treatment options or advancements in the field of breast cancer research?


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